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Who's Lobbying for Whom: Ontario Dairy Council registers to lobbying Queen's Park

Ontario Dairy Council was registered this past week by Jayme Wilson, a consultant with Impact Public Affairs.

Published Feb 9, 2024 at 8:45pm

Kamal Aboulmagd
Kamal Aboulmagd
Who's Lobbying for Whom: Ontario Dairy Council registers to lobbying Queen's Park

A group representing Ontario dairy processors is lobbying the province on a variety of different asks.

Ontario Dairy Council was registered this past week by Jayme Wilson, a consultant with Impact Public Affairs. The purpose of the lobbying effort, according to the registration, was to ensure plant licensing regulations work for current and new processors, ensure the Milk Act is modernized, make sure the healthy eating strategy reflects the needs of the dairy industry, maintaining an adequate milk supply, and finally, training programs to ensure qualified and skilled workers for the industry.

The registrations comes on the same week the federal government unveiled proposed changes to its policy governing international trade of dairy products.

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