An alliance of First Nations is northwestern Ontario is lobbying the Ford government on building a new long-term care home in the region.
Kenora Chiefs Advisory Inc. was registered this past week by Amir Remtulla, a consultant with Amir Remtulla Inc. The focus of their registration was to advance equity in healthcare across a range of projects for the population served by the organization (Indigenous, specifically First Nations). Specifically for Wiigwas Elder and Senior Care, the advocacy was focused on the capital project of the development of a new long-term care home located in a First Nations community with the new proposed facility having 160 beds. This effort was supported with advocacy with the Ministry of Health for the further development and implementation of primary care services on First Nation reserves in the Kenora area. Currently, there are six communities they are working with that are seeking further funding. The client is working in partnership with the Lake of the Woods District Hospital to provide and assist with strategic support to advance the priorities identified in community consultations by the various target groups for the All Nations Hospital Project.
New Registrations