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Who's Lobbying for Whom: Energy filings make up sizeable chunk of new registrations

iLOOKABOUT Inc. was registered by Stephanie DiNucci and Cody Mallette, both consultants with Atlas Strategic Advisors Inc.

Published Dec 7, 2024 at 3:53pm

Kamal Aboulmagd
Kamal Aboulmagd
Who's Lobbying for Whom: Energy filings make up sizeable chunk of new registrations

A slower week of lobbying as we near the holiday season, with Energy registrations leading the way with 15% of total registrations

iLOOKABOUT Inc. was registered by Stephanie DiNucci and Cody Mallette, both consultants with Atlas Strategic Advisors Inc. The purpose of their registration was to discuss the creation of a program to support the use of the client’s valuation platform which helps the government understand and capture property valuation revenue that can be used to increase tax revenue for municipalities.

New Registrations

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