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Provincial and federal governments introducing new policies impacting students this fall

The new government policy will see teachers decide when students would be allowed to use technology, and was a long time request from the Toronto District School Board, but the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF) has some concerns.

Published Aug 27, 2024 at 7:29pm

Barbara Patrocinio
Barbara Patrocinio
Provincial and federal governments introducing new policies impacting students this fall
New Ontario Education Minister Jill Dunlop is pictured in this file photo. (Arlyn McAdorey/The Canadian Press)

September will see new legislation approved by the Ontario government and Canada's federal government, especially in the education field.

In Ontario, the Ford government will be the first in the country to block access to all social media platforms on school networks and devices, as well as enforcing a cell phone ban and banning vaping starting in the 2024-25 school year.

Former education minister Stephen Lecce announced the measures earlier this year, as well as more security cameras and vape detectors to be installed in schools, tabling $30 million in funding for school safety in this year’s provincial budget. Jill Dunlop is currently serving as the education minister.

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