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Ontario opposition parties use new report to blast Ford’s record on environment

“What I see is a report that says we’re reversing progress we’ve made,” said Ontario NDP environment critic Sandy Shaw.

Published May 18, 2023 at 5:30pm

Davis Legree
Davis Legree
Ontario opposition parties use new report to blast Ford’s record on environment
Ontario Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk releases 2018 annual report.(Rene Johnston/Toronto Star)

A new report on Ontario’s environment was released by the province’s auditor general earlier this week, which opposition parties have used as ammunition to criticize Premier Doug Ford’s track record on climate and environmental issues.

“What I see is a report that says we’re reversing progress we’ve made,” said Ontario NDP environment critic Sandy Shaw. “The decisions this government continues to make with regards to the environment are trending us in the wrong direction.”

The report, entitled The State of the Environment in Ontario, seeks to provide a comprehensive status update on the province’s air, water, nature, and climate.

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