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Ontario integrity commissioner pauses Ford stag-and-doe probe

J. David Wake said that while there are some “flaws” in the request from NDP Leader Marit Stiles, he isn’t outright dismissing it — just pausing it.

Published Mar 16, 2023 at 6:55pm

The Canadian Press
The Canadian Press
Ontario integrity commissioner pauses Ford stag-and-doe probe
Ontario Premier Doug Ford listens to members of the media during a press conference in Ottawa on Feb. 7, 2023. (Spencer Colby/The Canadian Press)

TORONTO — Ontario’s integrity commissioner says he’s temporarily setting aside a request from the NDP to issue an opinion on Premier Doug Ford’s daughter’s stag-and-doe event.

Integrity Commissioner J. David Wake says in a statement today that while there are some “flaws” in the request from NDP Leader Marit Stiles, he isn’t outright dismissing it – just pausing it – because there is overlap with a related investigation.

Stiles had also asked Wake to investigate what she called the “curious timing of recent purchases of Greenbelt land by powerful landowners with donor and political ties to the Ontario PC Party.”

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