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Ontario hospital workers win 6 per cent wage hike in arbitration

In a release, CUPE said that they also received health and dental benefits, besides enhancements to weekend, evening, and night premiums, and compensation for periods of quarantine or isolation due to outbreaks of communicable illnesses.

Published Apr 19, 2024 at 8:02pm

Barbara Patrocinio
Barbara Patrocinio
Ontario hospital workers win 6 per cent wage hike in arbitration
Workers in a rally for fuel cost relief for health care workers at Battleford, Saskatchewan. (Photo: CUPE's website)

The Ontario Council of Hospital Unions – CUPE and SEIU Healthcare has secured a new contract for 65,000 hospital workers in the province.

On Friday, William Kaplan, the arbitrator in charge of this dispute, released his decision to give workers a 6 per cent wage increase over two years (3 per cent in each of the following years.)

CUPE workers will receive a three per cent raise retroactive to September 2023 and another three per cent boost in September this year, while SEIU workers will receive the same amount, retroactive to Jan. 1 of this year and on Jan. 1, 2025.

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