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New Ontario minister touts progress on housing recommendations, but without detail

Paul Calandra held a press conference today, his second in as many days, the same week he took over the portfolio after Steve Clark resigned in the wake of two scathing Greenbelt reports.

Published Sep 7, 2023 at 8:08pm

The Canadian Press
The Canadian Press
New Ontario minister touts progress on housing recommendations, but without detail
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Government House Leader Paul Calandra speaks to reporters in Toronto, on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023. Ontario's new housing minister says the government has "fully implemented" 21 of its housing affordability task force's recommendations, but his office won't say which ones. (Spencer Colby/The Canadian Press)

Ontario's new housing minister says the government has "fully implemented" 21 of its housing affordability task force's recommendations, but his office won't say which ones.

Paul Calandra held a press conference today, his second in as many days, the same week he took over the portfolio after Steve Clark resigned in the wake of two scathing Greenbelt reports.

The auditor general and the integrity commissioner found that the housing minister's chief of staff favoured certain developers over others when selecting which lands would come out of the Greenbelt for housing.

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