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New look cabinet signals Ford's focus on next election: strategists

NDP strategist Erin Morrison, principal of Morrison Comms Inc., said an early election call could be a way for the Tories to avoid the consequences of investigations into the ill-fated Greenbelt plan, including a probe by the RCMP.

Published Jun 7, 2024 at 8:07pm

Barbara Patrocinio
Barbara Patrocinio
New look cabinet signals Ford's focus on next election: strategists

Political observers say Premier Doug Ford's surprise cabinet shuffle on Thursday could signal an effort to better position the Ford government for the next election, which could happen before the end of its four-year term in 2026.

One Conservative strategist said this is evidenced by moving Stephen Lecce from the education portfolio to energy where he'll be in the spotlight announcing key government investments.

READ MORE: Ontario Premier Doug Ford makes surprise cabinet shuffle as legislature winds down for summer

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