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Liberal leadership race: Who will run?

At least six Ontario politicians considering entering the race to take the helm of the provincial Liberals.

Published May 9, 2023 at 8:35pm

Thomas Desormeaux
Thomas Desormeaux
Liberal leadership race: Who will run?
Signage is photographed at the Ontario Liberal Party's 2023 Annual Meeting at the Hamilton Convention Centre in Hamilton, Ont., on Sunday, March 5, 2023. (Alex Lupul/The Canadian Press)

Nate Erskine-Smith, a federal MP from the eastern Toronto riding Beaches-East York, is the first official candidate in the Ontario Liberal Leadership race. Erskine-Smith will file his paperwork Tuesday night. He’s the first candidate in the leadership race, which voters will decide in November.

“Ontario Liberals need generational and grassroots renewal in every corner of our province,” Erskine-Smith said in an announcement video.

The Ontario Liberal party is coming off two consecutive disappointing elections. After fifteen years in power under two different premiers, the Liberals won only seven seats in 2018, losing official party status. This was the worst result for an incumbent party in Ontario history. In that election, Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative party took 76 seats — a majority — while the NDP shot up to second place and became the Official Opposition.

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