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In wake of Nextstar controversy, Poilievre says government funding should be used only to create jobs for Canadians

"A Poilievre government will make sure that every time that government supports jobs in Canada, it will be exclusively for Canadians," he said Friday, in the wake of revelations by iPolitics that the Nextstar battery plant in Windsor could hire temporary foreign workers to fill positions.

Published Nov 17, 2023 at 9:27pm

Marco Vigliotti
Marco Vigliotti
In wake of Nextstar controversy, Poilievre says government funding should be used only to create jobs for Canadians

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says Ottawa should only spend money to spur industrial development in Canada if it leads to jobs for local workers, in the wake of revelations by iPolitics that a planned battery plant in Windsor could hire temporary foreign workers to fill positions.

Speaking in Cambridge, Ont. on Friday, Poilievre vowed that a Conservative government wouldn't commit financial support to projects that won't create jobs for Canadians.

"Now we learn that his (Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) multibillion dollar grants to foreign companies may be funding as many as 1,500 jobs that won't be going to Canadians but instead to temporary foreign workers," he told local media.

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